
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Making Decisions with Adele Spraggon
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Adele Spraggon is a three-time award-winning author, international speaker and trainer, behavioural change expert, and creator of Shift and The Pattern Maker Hub.
This week Tara speaks with Adele about her unique approach to re-patterning the brain to change behaviour, and to use that to make decisions more effortlessly. It's a fascinating chat and gives us quite a lot to think about!
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Minimalists and Collectors Co-habitating?
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
This week we're talking about when you live with someone that's on the opposite end of the clutter spectrum to you. You might be a real chucker living with a collector, or you might be a crafty collector living with a minimalist.
Can it be done without too much conflict? We think so, and we'll tell you how.
- https://twobeesinablog.com/2018/03/31/living-with-a-minimalist-as-a-former-collector/
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
A Slob Comes Clean with Dana K White
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
First up - so sorry about the audio quality in this episode - Bec's PC did a weird thing. Sigh. Hopefully you can tolerate it, though, because our guest this week is awesome, and there's some excellent wisdom from the lovely Dana White from A Slob Comes Clean. Join us as she and Bec talk about decluttering for neurodiversity, grief, and the vital "container concept".
You can find out more about Dana and her work at www.aslobcomesclean.com or search for "A slob comes clean" on your favourite podcasts app.
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Another 5 things to declutter this week
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Everyone loved our last "5 things to declutter" so much that we thought we'd do another one! You can choose one to focus on for the week, or tackle a few. There are no rules, this is just to help you choose without having to think too much!
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Using an accountability partner
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
This week we are talking about using accountability partners - what they are, how they might help you achieve your goals, and the best way to select one.
- https://tickthoseboxes.com.au/what-are-the-benefits-of-an-accountability-partner/
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Getting organised with The Organized Mama
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
This week we're excited to have the lovely Jessica Litman - The Organized Mama - chatting with Tara about all things organising.
The Organized Mama was started by Jessica 9 years ago as a way to teach practical organizing tutorials, decorating tips, and DIY projects that everyone can do.
She now has brand new book out to help families with practical organising tips that you can get here.
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Decluttering baby stuff
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
This week is our last week in Baby World and we're discussing the hardest part - decluttering the baby stuff. It's not an easy task, but we have a few tips to help you navigate it so you aren't weighed down by all the stuff for decades to come!
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Baby stuff: what you REALLY need
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
This week we're still in Baby World and we're discussing al the stuff and how to work out what you REALLY need, what is worth acquiring and how to reduce what comes into your house (babies come with a lot of stuff, but they don't have to!).
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Why we buy lots of baby stuff
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
This week we're diving into Baby World. There's lots to talk about with regards to babies and clutter, and this week we're starting with the marketing that's used to sell us the baby gear.
Forewarned is forearmed!
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
5 things you can declutter this week
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Sometimes we need a prompt to do some decluttering, so this week we've decided to provide it! We're looking into 5 things you can look to declutter this week - you can choose just one, or all five, or somewhere in between. It's up to you!
Thank you to everyone for listening, and for engaging with us in our Facebook group - it's so lovely to interact with people other than just ourselves about the episodes.
Thanks especially if you're a Patreon supporter. If you love it, and want it to stay ad-free, you are invited to become a Patreon supporter, too - you can do so on our website.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@rebeccamezzino.com.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.