Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Simplifying Christmas - how to reduce the stress
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
This next episode in the holiday season series deals with the Christmas schedule and all the stuff to do in the holiday season. Work out how to create a holiday season for your family with traditions that mean a lot to everyone, without stressing you out.
Bec and Tara look back at their childhood Christmases and talk about their own wishes for the holiday season. Tara loves being at home and Bec loves a very lazy Christmas.
Learn Bec's favourite method of stress reduction (it's her recurring theme and easier said than done but worth the effort!) and listen as Tara tries really really hard to let go of her Christmas Tree perfectionism!
Find out also how you might be able to reduce the wastage that happens SO MUCH at Christmastime. You will be shocked at how much we as a society throw out!
Also how many Christmas cards do you think Bec sent to the one family one year? You'll surely have a laugh at her ridiculousness!
- https://simpleasthatblog.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuWXE6ZSKxk
- https://news.ca.uky.edu/article/%E2%80%99tis-season-reduce-holiday-waste
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Holiday season - clutter free gifts
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Christmas and other holiday seasons are a huuuugggeeee contributor to clutter and stress. There's the whole unwanted gifts issue, the wastage, the feelings of guilt and obligation. The whole "giving presents for the sake of it" kind of thing can really become problematic.
Or even if you LOVE giving and receiving gifts, you still have to manage the volume of belongings in your home.
Bec and Tara talk about how you can reduce the clutter hangover this holiday season. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, there's loads of advice that will help you out with other gift giving traditions you may have.
Tara the present nerd is all done with her shopping (and wrapping - yep, nerd!), and Bec the geek wants a hoverboard from Back to The Future.
It's long episode but it's jam-packed with clutter-free gift ideas so it will be worth it!
- https://www.monbiot.com/2012/12/10/the-gift-of-death/
- https://www.storyofstuff.org/
- http://clearspace.net.au/clutter-free-gift-ideas/
- https://www.kiva.org/
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Laundries - a hard working room
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
This week Bec and Tara talk laundries, from what we store in them, to how we manage our washing process and what kinds of things we can declutter from our laundries to make them more efficient and effective. From British kitchen-laundries to whether to iron or not iron - nothing is left behind!
Don't miss out on Tara's HUGE confession (and Bec laughing at it!).
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Raising uncluttered kids part 2
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
This week we continue our episode about how to raise uncluttered kids. Bec and Tara share stories about their own kids, as well as things they've learned when working with other families.
Tara assuages her culling guilt by handing her fancy clothes down to her girls for dress-ups, and teaches us how to use the Tiny Tuttles Toy Shop technique. Bec confesses she's got a sweary memory about one of her kids' baby toys; can you be proud of when your toddler first drops the F-bomb? Because Bec was!
You'll also learn a couple of techniques for managing kids' artwork, what to do when you have a kid that collects sticks and rocks, and how to deal with the nag factor.
There's quite a lot crammed in this episode!
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Raising uncluttered kids - part 1
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Bec and Tara got carried away and talked sooooo much about uncluttering kids this week that we had to chop the episode into two parts! There's so much to cover that editing it all made Bec a bit dizzy. But it's a good thing - they have ideas for lots of other episodes as a result!
This episode talks about why we have cluttered kids, and why it might be a good idea to change that.
Tara and Bec get all squealy about Peaches and Cream Barbie (we're NOT old) and share some of the parenting techniques they’ve used to keep the clutter monster at bay.
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/8074156/Ten-year-olds-have-7000-worth-of-toys-but-play-with-just-330.html
- https://www.parent.com/heres-what-happened-when-we-took-our-kids-toys-away-for-a-month/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/03/the-toy-free-kindergarten/520905/
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Sentimental clutter - a heavy weight to lift
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
This episode dives down into our hearts to talk about sentimental clutter. Why we keep it, and the best ways to approach it. From Bec's dad's furniture to Tara's mum's books, we have lots of personal experience with this and plenty of examples from our clients, too.
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
”But I might need it one day”
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
One of the most common reasons why we keep stuff we don't need, use or love is the fear that we might need it one day. I mean, everyone knows that the day after you throw out that flamethrower you get a massive spider on your ceiling! But what does that really mean, and how can we overcome this unhelpful thought process?
Bec and Tara unpack this issue and provide some insight into why we do this, and how we can make more helpful decisions when trying to declutter.
- https://www.theminimalists.com/jic/
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Aspirational clutter - the life you wanted
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
What is "aspirational clutter" and why are we hanging onto it? This week we'll give you some examples and some tips on how to deal with it. We also have some confessions to make about our own little aspirational clutter weak spots (hint - Bec can't sit down in her jeans and Tara thinks she's Heston Blumenthal).
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Decluttering when you have no space to sort
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Have you been prevented from decluttering because your house is too full of stuff? Sometimes people hit the roadblock of "no space to sort" and as much as they'd like to clear some things out, they find it virtually impossible because there's no room to move. In other news, Tara makes fun of Bec's weeding analogy and subsequently Bec wishes she didn't edit out Tara's funniest mistakes!
Show references:
- Julie Morgenstern Book: Organising from the Inside Out - https://www.juliemorgenstern.com/
- Two Trash Bag Tango- Peter Walsh- http://www.peterwalshdesign.com/
- Marie Kondo Book: "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" - https://konmari.com/
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Who is Bec, who is Tara and what is clutter anyway?
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
For our very first episode, we talk about our plans for the podcast, talk about ourselves for a bit and then discuss what WE think clutter actually is. As you'll notice, we're a bit nervous and overly serious in this episode but we'll loosen up, don't worry!!
We'd love you to get in touch to discuss anything about the podcast. You can send us an email at rebecca@clearspace.net.au, basklifecoaching@outlook.com, or any of the links below will help you get in touch too.
Our website: www.beuncluttered.com.au
Our Facebook: www.facebook.com/beuncluttered
Our Insta: www.instagram.com/beuncluttered
Bec's website: www.clearspace.net.au
Tara's website: www.basklifecoaching.com
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